Lessons date

Ri: Lessons date

di Daniela Briola -
Numero di risposte: 0
Hi all,
Here are the final dates for the course (only to be confirmed some rooms):

- 22/1: 14:00 - 16:00, Sala Seminari, Daniela Briola

- 23/1: 14:00 - 16:00, Sala Seminari, Daniela Briola

- 28/1: 14:00 - 17:00, Sala Riunioni primo piano, Viviana Mascardi

- 29/1: 9:30 - 11:30 U14, Aula da definire, Viviana Mascardi

- 4/2: 14:00 - 17:00, Sala Riunioni primo piano, Rafael Bordini

- 5/2: 9:30 - 11:30, Sala Riunioni primo piano, Rafael Bordini

-11/02: 13:30 - 15:30, Sala Riunioni primo piano, Daniela Briola

-12/02: 10:00 - 12:00, Sala Riunioni primo piano, Daniela Briola

-13/02: 10:00 - 12:00, Sala Riunioni primo piano, Daniela Briola

Moreover, there will be two seminars by prof. Bordini and prof. Mascardi, open to the department (not mandatory for the phd course), that may be of interest for you:

Mascardi (29 January) 14-15 (room TBD):

Title: Runtime Verification@UniGE: from Multiparty Global Session Types to RML

Abstract: This seminar presents a short journey through Runtime Verification as it has been faced in the "RML project" (https://rmlatdibris.github.io/) at the University of Genova in the last seven years.
The journey started in 2012 with "Multiparty Global Session Types" [1], implemented by monitors integrated in a well known agent infrastructure for Belief-Desire-Intentions agents [2], Jason [3].
The work evolved over time leading to "Trace Expressions" [4] which were also used to monitor multiagent systems implemented in Jade [5].
Recently "RML" [6], a rewriting-based and system agnostic Domain Specific Language for Runtime Verification which decouples monitoring from instrumentation, has been designed, implemented, and used in a wide range of domains, from robotic systems to IoT, from resource management to object-oriented interfaces.
The more we work on Runtime Verification, the more exciting applications we devise for it: the seminar will mainly look at the future, whilst taking inspiration from the past.

Bordini (check with him if the content is different from its teaching at the phd course)

Title: Developing Intelligent Interactive Systems with Multi-Agent Oriented Programming

In this talk, I briefly overview the work recently conducted by my research group on extending platforms for the development of multi-agent systems named Jason and JaCaMo so they incorporate various AI techniques. In particular, work on the integration of Argumentation Theory and Ontological Reasoning into those programming platform is briefly presented. I also mention in this talk some of our target applications, including healthcare and disaster rescue. To conclude, I discuss future directions on the combination of various AI techniques into multi-agent oriented programming and the impact they could have on the development of intelligent interactive systems.

Write you soon,
Daniela B.