Wednesday 23rd of September 2020

08:45 – 09:00

Opening and Welcome:

Paola Branduardi, PhD program Coordinator

Session I – Evolution: changes in Nature – Part 1

/ PhD student’s presentations

Chairs: Stefano Bertacchi, Fabio Rizza

09:00 – 09:50

Invited lecture:

T01. Manuela Sironi (IRCCS E. Medea, Bosisio Parini, Lecco)

Human herpesvirus genetic diversity and host adaptation

09:50 – 10:15

PhD student’s presentation: 2nd Year

S01. Stefania Blasa (University of Milano-Bicocca)

Remote thermal stimulation: a scalable method to induce cell differentiation

10:15 – 10:40

PhD student’s presentation: 3rd Year

S02. Lorenzo Guzzetti (University of Milano-Bicocca)

African leafy vegetables are sources of bioactive phytochemicals and micronutrients

10:40 – 11:10


11:10 – 11:35

PhD student’s presentation: 3rd Year

S03. Alessandra Lodrini (University of Milano-Bicocca)

A novel human in-vitro model to study and treat aging-induced cardiac dysfunction 

11:35 – 12:00

PhD student’s presentation: 2nd Year

S04. Riccardo Milanesi (University of Milano-Bicocca)

Protein Metabolite interaction and Flux sensing control Snf1/AMPK activity.

12:00 – 12:25

PhD student’s presentation: 3rd Year

S05. Antonio Marsella (University of Milano-Bicocca)

Role of Rif2 in the regulation of the checkpoint response at DNA double-strand breaks

12:30 – 13:30

Break for Lunch

Session II – Evolution: changes in Nature – Part 2

/ PhD student’s flash poster presentations

Chairs: Federico Fontana, Federica Bovio

13:30 – 14:20

Invited lecture:

T02. Telmo Pievani (University of Padova)

The Darwinian lesson of COVID19



14:20 – 14:40

PhD student’s flash poster presentation: 1st Year

F01. Martina Arici (University of Milano-Bicocca)

New SERCA2a stimulator compounds restore impaired SERCA2a function in a rat model of diabetic cardiomyopathy

link to poster session:

F02. Greta Bianchi (University of Milano-Bicocca)

Charge patterning and phase separation propensity in IDPs: is there a possible interplay?

link to poster session:

F03. Jennifer Fernandez (Institute Mario Negri, Milano)

Characterization of the influence of geometry and surface functionalization on bio-nano interaction in both physiological and pathological condition

link to poster session:

F04. Carlo Rinaldi (University of Milano-Bicocca)

Dissecting the role of the Ku complex in the DNA damage response

link to poster session:


14:40 – 15:40

     Poster Session in separated rooms

Session III – PhD student’s presentations

Chairs: Federico Fontana, Federica Bovio


15:40 – 16:05

PhD student’s presentation: 3rd Year

S06. Jessica Frigerio (FEM2 Ambiente - University of Milano-Bicocca)

Towards food traceability: discovering biomolecular technologies for complex food products

16:05 – 16:30

PhD student’s presentation: 2nd Year

S07. Erika Casari (University of Milano-Bicocca)

Dual role for Dpb4 in DNA double strand break repair: regulation of end resection and DNA damage checkpoint


     End of Day 1

Ultime modifiche: mercoledì, 9 settembre 2020, 14:15