The approval process for the Master's Degree program in Economics and Technologies for Sustainability is not yet complete. The program will be activated in the academic year 2025-2026 provided that the procedure concludes positively. All information reported on this website (e-Learning and Online Teaching) regarding the Master's Degree program in Economics and Technologies for Sustainability should be considered provisional and subject to approval by the competent authorities.

Brief presentation of the Master’s Degree Program

The Master's Degree in Economics and Technologies for Sustainability, Class LM-76 of the Master's Degrees in Economic Sciences for the Environment and Culture, is activated in the Academic Year 2025-2026.

The Program has a duration of two years.

Only the first year of the master’s program will be activated in the A.Y. 2025-2026.

The Master’s Degree in Economics and Technologies for Sustainability provides for the acquisition of 120 University training credits (CFUs) and includes 12 exams, to be passed in compliance with Italian laws in force.

The Master is offered by the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences - DISAT, University of Milan - Bicocca. The Master's degree is delivered in English, and held in blended mode.
The aim of the Degree Programme is to convey a solid and advanced specialist training in all the main issues related to environmental sustainability, through markedly multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary methodologies to provide graduates with the ability to face the challenges associated with the achievement of environmental sustainability in a holistic way with regard to its identification, implementation, quantification and certification.

The address of the Master’s Degree Program in Economics and Technologies for Sustainability:
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences - DISAT – Building U1 and U4 - Piazza della Scienza, no. 1 and 4, 20126 Milan, Italy.

Director of the School of Science:
Professor Simona Olga Binetti

Director of the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences - DISAT:
Professor Claudio Greco


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