- Medicine and Surgery
- Single Cycle Master Degree (6 years)
- Medicine and Surgery [H4102D]
- Courses
- A.A. 2020-2021
- 3rd year
- Clerkship 4
- Summary
Course Syllabus
To provide the concepts necessary for understanding pathologies, indications and procedures of the orthopedic and trauma surgery field.
The clerkships will cover the most important aspects related to surgical and conservative treatment of muscle-skeletal pathologies as traumatic injuries, fractures as osteoarthritis. Students will acquire the basic knowledge required to approach an orthopaedics and traumatology patient.
Detailed program
- Approach an orthopaedics and traumatology patient
- Understand an orthopaedic and traumatological medical history
- Use the appropriate terminology to communicate with patients and medical staff
- Theory and practical skills to perform the basic clinical examination tests in general orthopaedics and traumatology.
- Basic concepts and observations activities regarding treatment of fractures in the operating room.
Teaching form
Practical guided observation activities with briefings and debriefings by hospital tutors
Practical teaching in Orthopaedic and Traumatology Ward and in the Operating Room
Textbook and teaching resource
to be defined
Assessment method
Practical skills observation
Office hours
By appointment