- Post-Laurea
- Scuole di Specializzazione
- Area Psicologica
- Psicologia del Ciclo di Vita [003P]
- Insegnamenti
- A.A. 2022-2023
- 1° anno
- Psicologia Clinica 1
- Introduzione
Syllabus del corso
Obiettivi formativi
Comprensione e valutazione del rischio suicidario
Contenuti sintetici
Epidemiologia e definizioni
Vulnerabilità / Principali modelli esplicativi
Fattori di rischio
Valutazione del rischio
La crisi suicidaria
Introduzione alla risposta emotiva dei clinici
Testi di riferimento
Turecki G, Brent DA. Suicide and suicidal behaviour. Lancet. 2016 Mar 19;387(10024):1227-39.
van Heeringen K. Stress-Diathesis Model of Suicidal Behavior. In: Dwivedi Y, editor. The Neurobiological Basis of Suicide. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press/Taylor & Francis; 2012. Chapter 6. Freely available online.
van Heeringen K, Mann JJ. The neurobiology of suicide. Lancet Psychiatry. 2014 Jun;1(1):63-72.
Van Orden KA, Witte TK, Cukrowicz KC, Braithwaite SR, Selby EA, Joiner TE Jr. The interpersonal theory of suicide. Psychol Rev. 2010 Apr;117(2):575-600.
House A, Kapur N, Knipe D. Thinking about suicidal thinking. Lancet Psychiatry. 2020 Nov;7(11):997-1000.
Posner K, Oquendo MA, Gould M, Stanley B, Davies M. Columbia Classification Algorithm of Suicide Assessment (C-CASA): classification of suicidal events in the FDA's pediatric suicidal risk analysis of antidepressants. Am J Psychiatry. 2007 Jul;164(7):1035-43.
Zalsman G, Hawton K, Wasserman D, van Heeringen K, Arensman E, Sarchiapone M, Carli V, Höschl C, Barzilay R, Balazs J, Purebl G, Kahn JP, Sáiz PA, Lipsicas CB, Bobes J, Cozman D, Hegerl U, Zohar J. Suicide prevention strategies revisited: 10-year systematic review. Lancet Psychiatry. 2016 Jul;3(7):646-59.
Mann JJ, Michel CA, Auerbach RP. Improving Suicide Prevention Through Evidence-Based Strategies: A Systematic Review. Am J Psychiatry. 2021 Feb 18:appiajp202020060864.
Sustainable Development Goals
Learning objectives
Understanding and assessing suicide risk
Epidemiology and definitions
Vulnerability / Main explanatory models
Risk factors
Risk assessment
The suicide crisis
Introduction to the emotional response of clinicians
Textbooks and Reading Materials
Turecki G, Brent DA. Suicide and suicidal behaviour. Lancet. 2016 Mar 19;387(10024):1227-39.
van Heeringen K. Stress-Diathesis Model of Suicidal Behavior. In: Dwivedi Y, editor. The Neurobiological Basis of Suicide. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press/Taylor & Francis; 2012. Chapter 6. Freely available online.
van Heeringen K, Mann JJ. The neurobiology of suicide. Lancet Psychiatry. 2014 Jun;1(1):63-72.
Van Orden KA, Witte TK, Cukrowicz KC, Braithwaite SR, Selby EA, Joiner TE Jr. The interpersonal theory of suicide. Psychol Rev. 2010 Apr;117(2):575-600.
House A, Kapur N, Knipe D. Thinking about suicidal thinking. Lancet Psychiatry. 2020 Nov;7(11):997-1000.
Posner K, Oquendo MA, Gould M, Stanley B, Davies M. Columbia Classification Algorithm of Suicide Assessment (C-CASA): classification of suicidal events in the FDA's pediatric suicidal risk analysis of antidepressants. Am J Psychiatry. 2007 Jul;164(7):1035-43.
Zalsman G, Hawton K, Wasserman D, van Heeringen K, Arensman E, Sarchiapone M, Carli V, Höschl C, Barzilay R, Balazs J, Purebl G, Kahn JP, Sáiz PA, Lipsicas CB, Bobes J, Cozman D, Hegerl U, Zohar J. Suicide prevention strategies revisited: 10-year systematic review. Lancet Psychiatry. 2016 Jul;3(7):646-59.
Mann JJ, Michel CA, Auerbach RP. Improving Suicide Prevention Through Evidence-Based Strategies: A Systematic Review. Am J Psychiatry. 2021 Feb 18:appiajp202020060864.