- Medicine and Surgery
- Single Cycle Master Degree (6 years)
- Medicine and Surgery [H4102D]
- Courses
- A.A. 2023-2024
- 5th year
- Neuroradiology
- Summary
Course Syllabus
Orario di ricevimento
su appuntamento
Sustainable Development Goals
The purpose of the course is to provide elements to understand the basics of imaging techniques:
computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to interpret patient’s studies in the
context of the main differential diagnosis on the basis of clinical history and neurological objectivity;
understand the appropriate assessments, the technical issues of their execution and the priority level of
each modality. Particular attention will also be given to the aspects of communicating with colleagues and
writing the report.
The following main pathologies of the Central and Peripheral Nervous System will be addressed:
acute cerebrovascular diseases (ischemic strokes, cerebral hemorrhages, cerebral venous thrombosis)
throughout their course of treatment, degenerative diseases (Alzheimer's and Dementia; Parkinson's and
other movement disorders; Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and other motor neuron diseases); inflammatory
diseases of the Central Nervous System (multiple sclerosis, neuromyelitis optic spectrum diseases);
encephalopathies / encephalitis (toxic, dysmetabolic, autoimmune, infectious, paraneoplastic); diseases of
the neuromuscular junction (myasthenia and myastheniform syndromes); diseases of the peripheral
nervous system; epilepsy; headache and cranial neuralgia; sleep disorders; syncopes and diseases of the
vegetative nervous system.
Detailed program
- Clinical approach and management of the patient presenting with acute stroke
- Diagnosis and management of the patient affected by MS
- Differential diagnosis and management of the patient presenting with cerebral tumours
- Clinical approach, diagnosis, correct imaging, and management of the patient with neck pain
- Clinical approach, diagnosis, right imaging of the patient with disk herniation
The program of the course considers the following sustainable development goals of WHO by 2030:
Goal 3: (healthy lives and promoting well-being) to gain knowledge and manage physical and mental health
preventing health risks.
Goal 4 (Quality of Education) to ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to
promote their sustainable development and grow.
Knowledge of the neuroanatomy and physiology of the nervous system; knowledge of the technical bases
of CT, ultrasound and MRI
Teaching form
Practical guided observation activities with briefings and debriefings by hospital tutors in the below
mentioned units.
first semester
Assessment method
Students will be divided into small groups of 5-6 students who will rotate in the different neuroradiological
clinical areas: CT of the emergency room, CT of the ward, MRI 1.5 T, MRI 3 T and intraoperative MRI.
Students will be invited to collect the anamnesis in person and discuss it with their tutor, as well as to
perform the imaging study in the presence of the tutor who will guide them in the execution and
interpretation of the results based on the neurological and neuroradiological semeiotic. Together with the
tutor, the diagnostic hypotheses and the indication of the examinations to be prescribed will be discussed.
Limits and usefulness will be indicated for each neuroradiological study method, with a particular eye on
the critical area, prognostics, early diagnosis of complications and monitoring of the clinical-functional
evolution of the neurological patient. Interventional techniques for both the brain and the spine will also
be explored.
Office hours
by appointment
Sustainable Development Goals
Key information
Simonetta Gerevini