- Medicine and Surgery
- Single Cycle Master Degree (6 years)
- Medicine and Surgery [H4102D]
- Courses
- A.A. 2023-2024
- 2nd year
- General Surgery
- Summary
Course Syllabus
Sustainable Development Goals
At the end of the course/activity block, the student will have understood the general history of surgery through the centuries and the current role of surgery in the general management of the GI diseases.
They will also be able to adapt to the surgical patient the following items:
· Approach the patient
· Harvest a medical and surgical history
· adopt the appropriate terminology to communicate with patients and surgical staff
· Use an electronic database for clinical data
· Identify, examine and describe the main pathological symptoms and signs in relation to the surgical aspects of GI disorders. Highlight on a multidisciplinary approach, exploiting the PBL Method.
Adopt the appropriate theorical and practical skills to perform the basic clinical examination tests in general surgery and surgical specialties.
Perform basic surgica maneuvers such as pelvic examination, urinary catheterisation, skin sutures
history and current role of surgery in the general management of patients
Approach to the surgical patient, professional approach to specialist in other medica disciplines and the nurse staff.
Appropriate collection of patient's clinical and social history
Physiscal examination of the surgical patient
Formulation of diagnostical hypostesis and planning of the subsequent diagnostic workup.
technique of basic maneuvers such as pelvic examination, Urinary catheterisation, skin suture
Detailed program
history and current role of surgery in the general management of patients
Approach to the surgical patient, professional approach to specialist in other medica disciplines and the nurse staff.
Appropriate collection of patient's clinical and social history
Physiscal examination of the surgical patient
Formulation of diagnostical hypostesis and planning of the subsequent diagnostic workup.
technique of basic maneuvers such as pelvic examination, Urinary catheterisation, skin suture
basic medical skills
Teaching form
Frontal lessons, PBL sessions, bedside exercises
Textbook and teaching resource
Sabiston's textbook of surgery
Physical Examination for Surgeons, ed. Petrut Gogalniceanu, James Pegrum and William Lynn. Published by Cambridge University Press. © Cambridge University Press 2015.
I and II semester
Assessment method
Ongoing tests after each PBL/PCL:
Short essay (eventually also in groups)
Practical tests/maneuvers
Short paper/composition in relation to problems treated with PBL/PCL
Multiple choice tests
Final test:
Multiple choice tests
Practical tests/maneuvers
Collection of the single short papers/compositions
Development of clinical skills is assessed by OSCE (Objective structured clinical examination). Each OSCE faces the student with a unique clinical case which will test particular skills such as history-taking, physical examination, practical tests/maneuvers, communication skills, test/data interpretation, medical decision-making. Each student receives feedback from the assessor as well as overall scores for each OSCE.
Office hours
Upon request by email
Sustainable Development Goals
Key information
Flavia Neri