To understand the different types of studies in epidemiological research and real world studies.

Real World Evidence for Pharma – 2h Francesca Mastromauro
Introduction to Real World Data, Geo-spatial analysis – 4h Marco Villa
Real world study – 2h Carlo Alberto Scirè
Epidemiological designs – 12h Paola Rebora, Anita Andreano and Francesca Graziano
Introduction to causal models – 8h Davide Bernasconi

September 13th 17.00-19.00 Francesca Mastromauro
September 14th 9.00-13.00 Marco Villa
September 16th 17.00-19.00 Carlo Scirè
September 19th 9.00-18.00 Davide Bernasconi - IN PRESENCE
September 20th 9.00-18.00 - IN PRESENCE
September 21st 9.00-13.00- IN PRESENCE

COURSE EVALUATION: September 28th 9.00-13.00

To understand the different types of studies in epidemiological research and real world studies.

Real World Evidence for Pharma – 2h Francesca Mastromauro
Introduction to Real World Data, Geo-spatial analysis – 4h Marco Villa
Real world study – 2h Carlo Alberto Scirè
Epidemiological designs – 12h Paola Rebora, Anita Andreano and Francesca Graziano
Introduction to causal models – 8h Davide Bernasconi

September 13th 17.00-19.00 Francesca Mastromauro
September 14th 9.00-13.00 Marco Villa
September 16th 17.00-19.00 Carlo Scirè
September 19th 9.00-18.00 Davide Bernasconi - IN PRESENCE
September 20th 9.00-18.00 - IN PRESENCE
September 21st 9.00-13.00- IN PRESENCE

COURSE EVALUATION: September 28th 9.00-13.00

Group assignment



  • Maria Grazia Valsecchi
  • Docente

  • Stefania Galimberti
  • master medal
  • Paola Rebora
    Paola Rebora

Metodi di iscrizione

Iscrizione manuale