Section outline

  • Topic 1: models of strategic interaction and the role of information

    Introduction to the basic language to deal with situations of strategic interaction.

    It is probably the most difficult part of the course, however it is important to get able to manage the fundamental basic tools of game theory. Hence, we will use much time to be sure everyone is able to use such language.

    • Lecture 1

      • Day: February 1 
      • Room: U6/30
      • Time:  09.30-12.30 am
    • Main points of the lecture:

      1. Introduction to game theory
      2. Formal models of games:
        1. extensive form games
        2. strategic form games
      3. Perfect recall and Kuhn Theorem.
    • Slides of lecture 1 on models of strategic interaction

    • Forum for students to ask questions on models of strategic interaction

    • Lecture on models in situations of strategic interaction