Titolo del corso
Piano di studi
Codice identificativo del corso
Schema della sezione
When enrolling in the first year, students are automatically given the so-called “Statutory Study Plan”. Later, students have the opportunity to submit their own study plan, in which mandatory multiple-choice courses, foreign language and the educational activities “to be chosen by the student” should be stated.
The Study Plans Commission, appointed by the MSc Degree Teaching Council, assesses whether the student’s choices are in keeping with the educational purposes of the MSc Degree Programme.More information is available in the University Students Regulations.
Courses may consist of a single unit or several integrated units, even multidisciplinary and with multiple teachers. Each unit consists of lectures, usually combined with practical and/or field activities.
Lectures are mainly in-person, but some take place remotely (e-learning lecture) in agreement with the Courses Plan for the A.Y 2024-2025.
Practical classes, lab and field activities are in-person only.
E-learning lectures are in videoconferencing, synchronous mode, and may include interactive activities (c.d. e-tivities), as stated in the University Students Regulations.
All the essential information about each course (Syllabus) is posted on the MSc Programme’s e-learning page, in the “Courses” section. Please, read each syllabus carefully to learn about content, learning outcomes, grading policy, reading, and everything else you need to know about courses. Professors’ office hours are also available in the courses’ syllabi.INTERNSHIP – 4 CFUs
The 4-CFUs compulsory internship (100 hours) provides students with the opportunity to put into practice the skills, both scientific and technical, acquired during their classes.
This internship can be carried out both in other University’s research laboratories and at other institutions, upon previous authorization of the Stage Commission, appointed by MSc Degree’s Teaching Council.
Under the guidance of both University and corporate tutors, it will be held in the labs, companies, organizations and institutions, even at international level, the University set agreements with.It may also be part of the activities to be carried out for the final examination.
All information is available on the MSc Programme’s e-learning page, in the “Practical Training - Internship” section.
To obtain the degree, students must be proficient in a foreign language in one of the following ways:
For Italian students only:
- by passing a University test of foreign language proficiency at level B2 or higher among French, Spanish or German;
- by passing a University test of English proficiency at level C1 or higher.For foreign students only:
- by passing a University test of Italian proficiency at level B1 or higher.
Alternatively, students having the above language proficiency certifications, issued by University-accredited Institutions, will be exempted from the test. The language certificate must be submitted to segr.studenti.scienze@unimib.it to receive the validation of the expected 4 CFUs.
Click French, Spanish, German and Italian or English to know language proficiency certificates recognised as valid.
The activities “to be chosen by the student” are part of the Study Plan. In order to calculate the total number of the exams, the activities “to be chosen by the student” count for just one exam, regardless of the number of exams taken to earn 12 CFUs.
The student may acquire the expected 12 CFUs by choosing one of the following ways:
● Courses for a total amount of 12 CFUs offered by this or other MSc Degree Programmes at the University;
● 6-CFUs Practical Training activity (150 hours) plus one 6-CFUs course offered by this or other Master’s Programmes at the University;
● 12-CFUs Practical Training activity (300 hours).
6- or 12-CFUs Practical Training activities will be held, under the guidance of both University and corporate tutors, in labs, companies, organizations and institutions, even at international level, the University set agreements with, and may be used for the preparation of the final examination.
Other activities like summer/winter schools, seminars, research activities at University research centres or other international centres can be validated as “6-CFUs Practical Training”, but they must be agreed in advance with the Stage Commission.All information is available on the MSc Programme’s e-learning page, in the “Practical Training - Internship” section.
You can change your study plan during the following periods:
First opening: 5-28 November 2024 (for every student)
Special January opening: 9-31 January 2025 (only for 1st year students who could not take part in the first opening due to the fact they had not yet achieved their bachelor degree).
Second opening: 4-28 March 2025 (for every student)