Indice degli argomenti

  • Introduzione

  • Session 1

    Session 1:  Course introduction, personal introductions, defining objectives and class format,  discussion of all marketing elements, marketing mix, and the technique of a S.W.O.T. analysis.  This is then practiced in class by groups and individuals using the elements discussed and S.W.O.T. analysis techniques.

  • Session 2

    Session 2:  Branding and the ramifications of this complex and critical element of marketing that has an effect on all areas of business operations.  Using case histories of Coca Cola, Apple, Volkswagen and MacDonalds to illustrate the brand theory.  These will be used to stimulate group discussions regarding successful brand strategies. Class homework group project: advising a start-up on selecting and developing a brand, and a beginning marketing strategy.

  • Session 3

    Session 3:  Sales and Distribution systems. Group presentations on their homework project. Lecture on the different retail and wholesale selling methods and distribution models. Multi-channel marketing, Just in Time method, supply chain management theory, etc will be discussed.  In-class group discussion involves a feasibility study for a new product to understand the market potential and presenting that opinion to the client.  Class homework group projects assigned.

  • Session 4

    Session 4:  Advertising and Reseach strategies.  Group presentations on the projects given in the last class.  Lecture on the various types of above and below-line advertising, corporate sponsorship, the customer journey and using customer insight to develop a strong communication strategy. Marketing research theory is then discussed regarding the fundamentals of qualitative and quantitative methods.  An in-class project is assigned to analyze a multi- page consumer survey, to determine, based on the raw data, what are the key points from the research that can enable your company to make a critical marketing decision. Class homework group projects will involve studying adv strategies for multinational luxury products.

  • Session 5

    Session 5: Digital marketing and Media Strategies.  Group presentations on their homework project.  Lecture on the various types of digital marketing and how it has transformed the speed and accuracy of tracking consumer behavior today.  With customer profiling techniques, different methods of message delivery can be employed to do micro targeting.  In-class problem solving on media-mix issues in a company case study.  A group homework project is assigned about a  global company and how it must transform image and promote its products to particular target customers using innovative media strategies.

  • Session 6

    Session 6: Corporate Communications and Social Media. Group presentations on the projects given in the last class. The transformation from a classic public relations approach, to a more modern and flexible digital communication strategy.  Projecting corporate identity and image.  Changing public perceptions, the use of storytelling and emotional branding.  A look at a case study in corporate communications for an in-class project.  The essentials of the ever-changing social media landscape the techniques used to maximise the impact in commercial advertising.  A group homework assignment is given concerning image to increase market share.

  • Session 7

    Session 7: The Strategic Marketing Plan .  Group presentations on the homework project.  Lecture on the theory and correct method to construct a strategic marketing plan:  Analysis of the competitive landscape, changing economic trends, establishing measurable company goals, allocation of resources to meet objectives. In-class discussions on the economic situation to project and evaluate the impact of current marketing trends and to adapt the long term strategy into short term operational plans.

    An individual homework assignment: to write a 3 page preliminary strategic vision statement for a company to propose your plan for the future to transform a slow moving company into one of growth and innovation, using the key marketing principles to make a convincing case.

  • Session 8

    Session 8: Retail marketing.  Each student has already received by email a personal evaluation and comment from the instructor regarding the homework assignment, but an overview to the class is given showing them a completed example of an effective format and style for a strategic analysis. Lecture on the core principles of effective retail marketing and the real struggle today to adapt to on-line retail buying competition. Push-pull strategies, loyalty programs, performance marketing.

    An in-class group project: Analysis of an industry retail sector, using research techniques and application of marketing principles to solve a business model problem.

  • Session 9

    Session 9: Relational marketing, Customer Relations management.  Lecture on the importance of the marketing strategy to develop strong policies regarding customer service and maintaining customer loyalty. The role of public relations to communicate the company position, crisis managemnt, and shaping a positive image with the public. How has CRM increased efficiency in  the salesforce and created a reliable method of tracking the improving the customer journey. In-class group exercises practice scenarios regarding publicly handling a potentially damaging crisis.  Class discussion and review of course content in preparation for the final exam.