Schema della sezione


    If you wish to enrol at the University of Milano-Bicocca, there is a specific procedure indicated at this link


    Call for application 2024 - 2025


    Reserved for extra-UE citizens:


    It will be possible to submit the application from:


    From March 18th 2024 to May 3rd 2024

    May 20th, 2024 at 9 a.m.



    Reserved for  Italian, European or extra UE citizens legally residing in Italy:

    It will be possible to submit the application from:


    From May 13th 2024 to June 14th 2024
    June 28th, 2024 at 9 a.m.

    From June 15th 2024 to September 6th 2024

    September 20th, 2024 at 9 a.m.



     Reserved for  Italian, European or extra UE citizens legally residing in Italy who have already gradueated or will graduate by February 2025:


    Juanuary 2025

    February 11 2025 at 9 a.m.


    You will receive the link and the timetable a few days before the admission interview.

    In order to validate your application for the visa request we need you to be admitted to the course and to have completed the enrollment procedure by paying the admission fee.

  • It is necessary to acquire B2 level, with the requirement (if you are SUMA students) of obtaining the C1 language certificate (6.5 IELTS, 86 TOEFL, C1 UNIMIB Rosetta Stone) within the end of the first academic year (September 2025).

    Notice for non UE students: 

    Once you have applied for admission through “Segreterie Online – Online student registry” you will have to go to Universitaly webpage and select “Pre-enrol now” under the menu “International Students” on the right side:

    • Select the academic year and fill in all the required fields. You can find a tutorial on how to do it inside the website.
    • Make sure you enter correctly all your information as in your passport. It is important that are no differences as this information will be transmitted directly to the embassy for the visa.
    • It is mandatory to attach the same documents that you have uploaded in “Segreterie Online – Online student registry” in Universitaly platform.


    The step in Universitaly is mandatory for all candidates. If you have submitted your pre-enrolment to another University, do not worry, just send us a copy of the final “Summary” will all the sections filled in and we will consider it. If you are admitted, then you will have to ask the other university to reopen your pre-enrolment for additions and at that point you can select our university and proceed with the visa procedure normally.

    It will not be possible to proceed with the visa without having pre-enrolled in Universitaly platform.

    All general steps about visa and pre-enrolment can be found at this link:, but please refer to the announcement of the master degree you are interested in.

    Please note that Bachelor's is necessary to validate the application of pre-enrollment on the Universitaly portal and to obtain an appointment with the Italian Embassy, so please send it to our International office as soon as you get your degree. For further information, please write to and to

    You will be able to proceed to the visa step only if you are admitted (after the interview candidates will be admitted to the program according to the ranking) and enrolled (after the publication of the ranking, it is possible to complete the enrolment process (it is also mandatory to pay the regional tax of the amount of 156 euro from your Country), for further information see the instructions below, section 4. It will not be possible to receive the admission letter before enrolling to the Course.


    The University of Milano-Bicocca also offers scholarships (“Diritto allo Studio – DS”) to cover accommodation and part of the living costs. Accommodations will be assigned only based on the DS call rankings. Please refer to the DS call that will be published probably in July 2024 and apply within the deadline. More information about DS call and about fees and funding are available at the following web page
    Missing these steps or not complying with DS call requirements results in the definitive loss of the University’s residence benefits for the whole Academic Year and you will have to search for a different accommodation autonomously.
    I can provide preliminary information at the links and 
    I also invite you to read our incoming guide at the link and also the guide (for ERASMUS student but including general info) at the link
    Furthermore, dual degree students are entitled to the full fee waiver for the 2nd year (when you will be in Leuven), except for the regional tax of enrolment of about 156 euro.