Section outline
In order to access the Final Exam, where the Master's Thesis will be discussed, it is necessary to first pass the Practical Examination (Prova Pratica Valutativa or PPV). To register for the PPV, it is mandatory to have:
completed the Practical Internship (Tirocinio Pratico Valutativo or TPV);
obtained the approval of the company tutor;
acquired the corresponding 14 ECTS credits (CFUs);
three or less academic activities left to complete (for example, no more than three exams should remain to complete your study plan).
The PPV is an oral interview focusing on the activities carried out during the TPV, the connections between theories/models and professional practices, as well as aspects of legislation and professional ethics. It is aimed at assessing the candidate’s ability to critically reflect on their overall internship experience and the activities carried out. The student must demonstrate to be able to adopt a professional approach based on theoretical models and evidence, in line with ethical principles, duties, and rules of conduct for the profession.
Specifically, during the PPV, the candidate will be evaluated on what they have learned from the supervised practical activities carried out during the TPV. In particular, specific experiences (including direct involvement and/or observation of activities) will be discussed, along with how these experiences contributed to situated learning and the development of skills (including abilities, procedural skills, and relational competencies). To evaluate the internship activities carried out by the student and their capacity for critical reflection, the Commission may examine the LifeDesign Portfolio, developed with the support of the Orientation Center.
The interview will also assess the candidate’s ability to integrate their TPV experience with the knowledge acquired during the study program, thus evaluating the acquisition of the necessary knowledge to become a psychologist. This knowledge refers to the typical tasks of the psychological profession, such as the use of diagnostic and intervention tools for prevention, diagnosis, habilitation-rehabilitation activities, psychological support for individuals, groups, and social organizations, as well as activities in research, experimentation, and teaching in this field.
The PPV committees are composed of 2 internal members (Department of Psychology) and 2 external members (registered psychologists of the regional psychological association Ordine degli Psicologi della Lombardia). During the PPV, the committee members may review the candidate’s internship logbook and the evaluation provided by the company tutor.
PPV sessions are typically held in June (for students planning to graduate in July), in September (for students planning to graduate in October), and in January (for students planning to graduate in February/March).
Registration to the PPV requires a payment of €245.58.
If the student does not receive a positive evaluation, they must re-register and retake the PPV.