Titolo del corso
Internship and thesis
Codice identificativo del corso
Master thesis projects - ST Microelectronics - Rif. prof. Antonini
Aggregazione dei criteri
ST Microelectronics, with headquarter in Agrate Brianza, offers intership opportunities to students for internships and thesis projects.
The centre has already succesfully hosted Materials Science students.
As such, more information on internships can be asked writing directly to Ms. Isabella Galbiati, HR responsible (isabella.galbiati@st.com). Please CC in your communications Dr. Carlo Antonini (carlo.antonini@unimib.it), responsible for internship.
Master thesis projects
The centre has already succesfully hosted Materials Science students.
Internship opportunities evolve quickly and it is difficult to track and keep them un-to-date on this page.
As such, more information on internships can be asked writing directly to Ms. Isabella Galbiati, HR responsible (isabella.galbiati@st.com). Please CC in your communications Dr. Carlo Antonini (carlo.antonini@unimib.it), responsible for internship.
In your email, please send your CV and indicate in which area you would be interested to work.