VM LAB libaas1374

VM LAB libaas1374

by Paola Rebora -
Number of replies: 0

Dear students,

If you already registered at the link https://libaas.unimib.it/PubLab/register/e16aa4cb85df06ef4a6f

try the VM at the link https://libaas-lessons.si.unimib.it/

and look for the STATA program.

Please note that you have to select the LAB libaas1374 Laboratorio di Stata nel corso di Biostatistics 2yrs -Medicine and surgery libaas1374


you will NOT find STATA in the old VM that you have used last year.


You can find here the instruction for the access to the VM https://sites.google.com/unimib.it/documentazionelibaas  and ask support from IT https://servicedesk.unimib.it/secure/CreateIssue.jspa?pid=11601

In case of issues in the download of the VMware Horizon APP I suggest to use the VMware Horizon HTML Access

Try to connect to the VM before next Monday.

Best regards,

Paola Rebora