TM&S Results (July 2024)

TM&S Results (July 2024)

by Marco Viviani -
Number of replies: 0

Dear students,

following are the overall evaluations of the July 2024 Text Mining & Search exam. Please let me know whether you intend to accept or reject the global grade or retake the written exam.

Student ID D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 Written Exam Project Final Grade
783088 ABSENT 2 -
839211 4,5 5 3 2,5 2,5 2,5 20 2,5 23
839339 ABSENT - -
846996 2,5 3,5 4 2,5 4,5 2 19 2,5 22
849463 5 5 4 2,5 4,5 5 26 2,5 29
851242 4 5 4,5 5 4,5 3,5 26,5 3 30
851286 2,5 3,5 3,5 0 3 0 INS 2 INS
889901 ABSENT - -
896440 4 4 5 2,5 4 4,5 24 2,5 27
897683 1 5 3,5 2 4 2 17,5 2,5 20
897742 ABSENT 3 -
897902 2,5 2,5 3 3 1 2,5 INS 2 INS
898516 WITHDRAWN 2,5 -
901609 WITHDRAWN 3 -
904611 ABSENT - -
907385 ABSENT - -


Marco Viviani